Privacy + Terms of service

I write - you read, that's our deal!

(Don't worry, it's not written in stone like those 50-page terms you never read)

By subscribing to my newsletter, you're joining a community where:

  1. I'll share only my latest blog updates and content that I consider valuable
  2. We talk about security openly - your email is as safe as the platform I use (both mailing service and server are located in the EU)
  3. Your data won't be sold or traded. I use it according to platform capabilities (when you click a link in the email, I'll know - which actually motivates me to write better content!)
  4. You can unsubscribe whenever you want - just click the link in any email. No questions asked, no debugging required!
  5. Your data is protected under GDPR (because that's how we roll in the EU)

Subscription is 100% voluntary.